Enigmatic Easter Island lies in the South Pacific, some five hours off the coast of Chile. It’s said to be the most isolated inhabited place on Earth, giving it an aura of … [Read more...] about The Wonders of Easter Island
Explore Egypt’s Pyramids and Sphinx
The Great Pyramids and Sphinx are found in Egypt at a place called Giza. These are monuments known worldwide and none has ever conquered the construction of the pyramids which seem … [Read more...] about Explore Egypt’s Pyramids and Sphinx
Cairo: A Historical City in The World
Cairo is the capital city of Egypt. It is the administrative center for the country; Egypt. Cairo is an Islamic city though you get to find many people from other countries who … [Read more...] about Cairo: A Historical City in The World
Egypt: Ancient Historical Country
Egypt is considered the cradles of Civilization. Archaeologists believe, the first civilization of the earth was started in Egypt. There are some traces of human beings of 700,000 … [Read more...] about Egypt: Ancient Historical Country